Hello, thank you so much for visiting PeaceFloat. My name is Noa Sherman. I am currently 19 years old. I am half-American, half-Japanese, and bilingual. I decided to learn about the events that took place on August 6th and 9th because my family were victims. I believe that the most effective way to prevent such tragedies from occurring again is to educate future generations about the dangers of atomic and nuclear weapons.
Unfortunately, we are losing actual Hibakusha 被爆者 (atomic bomb survivors) who carry immeasurable stories. We must gather their stories to create awareness and understanding. I want people to want to learn more about the bomb because it can truly change one’s perspective on the value of life. Even though it may feel difficult to carry the harsh reality of what has happened, just knowing, caring, and understanding can make a positive impact on the world. Welcome to PeaceFloat.
This project originated because I wanted to better understand the history of the atomic bomb. Speaking to residents of Hiroshima, as well as visitors to the city, has helped me create a project that shows richly diverse perspectives on the events of August 1945. Each person I spoke to has their own story.
In this project, I would like to show people that there are many different and effective ways of spreading awareness to others.
As you watch and listen to these stories, please keep in mind that my goal is not to instill fear but rather to promote truth.
Thank you.